We reached the Gorge powerhouse and electrical distribution field at Gorge Dam first, and were curious about a walking bridge across the river to the powerhouse. The powerhouse was built in 1919.
Across the walking suspension bridge, we found what remains of a once beautiful garden alongside the powerhouse in view of Ladder Creek Falls. This fall was a spectacle and as we followed the trails, up, and up and up it became more beautiful. After 153 steps, I quit counting the stairs, and continued on as the falls became a ladder of fall after fall. The gardens and pools and little water wheels and viewing benches are now awaiting reconstruction. Built in 1929 the townspeople would come out during the evening for a lovely walk along lighted pathways with music floating above the cheerful rush of water. We promised ourselves to return and see the changes that are coming.
The trails wind you around to the inside of the powerhouse with a short history of the place in pictures-self guided. It supplies 8,750 homes with electricity from the 880 foot dam.
We drove on to Gorge Creek Falls then Diablo Lake Dam and Overlook. The wind and rain had increased substantially and formed beautiful swirling clouds and mists against the ragged cascade spears. As we ascended, every couple hundred feet was evidence of falls that once flushed melt water into the Skagit. Dry, now, even the Gorge Creek Falls was a trickle of its former flow in winter.
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