Good weather, tall ships, sail boat races, steamboat parades, amateur raft races, treasure hunts, carribean costume contest, arts fair and bark on the beach. All this and caliope music should draw you to Drayton Harbor Days in Blaine the first weekend of August. Parked two miles away, and we missed it! One tall ship was still sitting in the harbor when we arrived on Monday to visit the Peace Arch Park, but you can bet your booty we won't miss it next summer. The tall ships face off in two battle sails. In the mock battle they fire black powder (small 5 lb) cannon balls, but the sound gives an idea what it must have been like in a real seafaring war.
We drove the shoreline where tourists pour out of condos, cars, vacation rentals for clamming at low tide. Families were out in force walking their dogs, kids sluicing with boogie boards through the tide puddles. Many were pickniking at the tables lining the shore and in general having a great time.
We visited the point opposite Drayton Harbor at Semiahmoo Marina where the Historic Plover Ferry still runs as a passenger only ferry between the Marina and Drayton Harbor. On the roadside we spotted a bald eagle in a tall spar beside the road. He stopped traffic for minutes as everyone grabbed a gander.
Jim calls this an abbreviated summer since we got a late start, but I'm already making plans for next year. Hope you do to. What a great place to have fun.
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