Monday, July 27, 2009


Puget Sound, named for Peter Puget, one of Vancouver's Lieutenants, is a quiet place. The tides seep in and out, no powerful waves etch the senses. Shore birds call and the sound is alive but sheltered from its ocean source.
Islands by the hundreds decorate the sound, many with fresh water lakes. Salmon spawning rivers contributed to the natural beauty and sustainance of the many Indian tribes that settled here, and helped lead to American domination of the area in spite of the fact that Vancouver had claimed it for Great Britain. (Wikipedia has a great history of the sound).
Our scenic drive took us to Anacortes where we viewed the inland waterway from various points along the waterfront. We looked down from Cap Sante at the busy harbor of Anacortes. We then drove to Washington Park and Mt. Erie for views of the sound from Fidalgo Island. Fidalgo is unique in that it is an Island which contains a lake with an island in it. We ended the day at the bridge between Fidalgo and Whidby Island.
For a link to more pictures go to:

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