At a writer's workshop years ago, I was fascinated by a teacher who prompted us to find a subject to write about whenever we passed through a new community. Her subject that day was a sign she had seen in town. I can never pass an unusual sign without thinking of her. And while the firewood for sale sign is built of firewood and fits the motherlode perfectly, the sunglasses sign was taken in Yuma, Arizona a month ago, and is certainly an elaborate and interesting way to get to get your attention in sunny Yuma.
Friday, February 27, 2009
At a writer's workshop years ago, I was fascinated by a teacher who prompted us to find a subject to write about whenever we passed through a new community. Her subject that day was a sign she had seen in town. I can never pass an unusual sign without thinking of her. And while the firewood for sale sign is built of firewood and fits the motherlode perfectly, the sunglasses sign was taken in Yuma, Arizona a month ago, and is certainly an elaborate and interesting way to get to get your attention in sunny Yuma.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
On a day trip to Sonora, I chanced to meet cobbler, (Eric) Rick Hanson who is Swedish. I dropped some sandals that needed fixing and he thanked me with a “toss a mosha” spelled prominently in his antique and tool laden shop as tac sa mick ca. Since this was my first visit, I stood in awe of the many fascinating artifacts covering the high walls and every nook and cranny of the place and politely listened to customers as they chatted with an amiable neighbor. Rick obviously enjoys the sociability of his business and the ability to discuss local politics, or family relations at leisure.
Cobbler shops are almost extinct and a guy like Rick keeps the craft from disappearing. Curiosity made me wonder and I asked a few questions.
“I began working at Gabe’s Shoe Service in the 50’s. I started doing it with him and then decided to open my own shop. I went full time in 1962 and moved to Sonora in 1972. I guess I just like working with my hands. Its fascinating, creative. The people are wonderful and you are helping someone and independent at the same time. But any success I owe to the good Lord,” claims Rick.
As for the antiques, he always liked them. “I’ve got the Permission To Sail certificate of Eric Jacobson, my grandfather who was born in 1833, set sail in 1851. I also have his marriage License to wed Kathren Johanson, dated 1858, a damn yankee, so the family told. I’m named for a slew of Eric Jacobsons, grandfather after grandfather.
“The Jacobsons were at one time jewelers for the King of Sweden.
“Another a grand master carpenter for the ship building trades. I have my grandfather’s Thesis, which was a hand built and hand veneered wooden box dedicated to Olga, his wife. “State side, one grandfather was among the founding fathers of Dayton, Ohio. He settled and farmed there on 100 acres that he bought for $144 and a contract to pay at $12 per month. I have all the paperwork. I also have relatives on my mother’s side that were hell bent for brimstone Lutheran, and that is just how it was stated in some family papers. Fascinating. Fascinating.”
Rick is definitely fascinating and could have told stories all day, but I had to leave.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
I moved from Escanaba, Michigan in 1954. During the last fifty plus years in California I’ve seen references to Escanaba three times. One reference is a sign-post on the MASH television series; another was Jimmy Stewart’s speech for the United States Bicentennial Celebration in 1976 in which he eloquently recited the names of gobs of cities from every state in the union. Escanaba was one of them. The third came from my political science teacher at Ohlone Jr. College in Fremont who described Escanaba as “…the Appalachia of Michigan…
What are the odds that a little known town sitting on Little Bay de Noc in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan would be the subject of a play in the small town of Murphys, California?
Oh, for crumps sake, I hadda go see it, doncha know. I ain’t givin’ the story away, now, or anyting. Ya wanna see it, aye? Its darn funny.
UP-ers are a bit covetous of being from the Upper part of the state. They don’t have much in common with the big city folk in Detroit and like it that way. Beer and whiskey drinkers, hunters and fishermen, they would not have identified with the Wine Club that enjoyed a fine repast in the lobby of the Black Bart Playhouse to see Escanaba In Da Moonlight. The play, written by Jeff Daniels while he was filming “Dumb and Dumber” is performed by the Murphys Creek Theatre Company at the Playhouse in Murphys, Friday and Saturday nights and Sunday matinees through March 8th. It’s worth a trip to the motherlode. Its a hoot!!
Visitors to the Motherlode pine to live in "God's Country." But, they haven't a clue what life can be like in a wonderful, colorful, quaint, historical, eminently visitable community like Murphys. But, fellow travelers, if it has leaves and branches, you are gonna have trouble with it. Oaks keep most of their leaves through winter. An unaccustomed snow fall can cause a tree fall too. Or it breaks and falls half way. Or it hits a building, or car, or neighbor's building, fence or car. Its happened to me several times. Be warned, flatlander! If on top of that, you have drenching rains, the whole tree can become uprooted and flatten anything it sight.
If, like me, you are lucky enough to know someone like Bob Urban, thought, things can look much better in a short period of time.
Bob teased this huge monster down from its dangerous bend by weakening the arch top with small notched cuts, over a dozen of them. Then, one uppercut and he calmly shoved it over. What a guy! He makes it look easy. This tree was dangerous because a straight cut could have caused it to spring back or snap disable the cutter. Control is the name of the game. And, little dog Bird, Bob's companion, knows enough to stay out of the way. The Urban Duo. The thumbs-up and smile tell the tale and we'll both have wood to keep us warm when the next snowfall happens our way.

My cousin Bob Moore became a “Phillipshead” years ago when he got acquainted with an outlaw radio station in the San Francisco Bay Area, KFAT. They had a small but loyal audience and Bob first heard Bruce Phillips, or Utah Phillips as he is known, on KFAT and began attending his concerts. He became a devoted fan of Utah’s.
Bob retired from Pleasanton and relocated to Nevada City because it had good bookstores as a major plus. It was also, coincidentally, the home of Bruce Phillips. He appreciated Phillips wobbly background, friendliness and approachability. Phillips took up causes and it showed in his incredible music.
“He was always there to meet and greet people after his concerts. A big guy with a long flowing main of silver hair and a silver beard. I’d see him around town, most often dressed in bib overalls and a flannel shirt, just a common guy but an unbelievable philosopher. Unfortunately, his most requested song was Moose Turd Pie, but he really did some great music. The Long Memory is my all time favorite. He could really make you think. He had a great impact on me.
“About 4 years ago, Phillips got the Hospitality House started here in Nevada City. It was a moving shelter that moved from church to church and provided services to the homeless. He started this event where he encouraged the local potters to make soup bowls. The restaurants made the soup, the bakeries made the bread and people bought a bowl of soup and bread for $10, (now it costs $20), and they got to keep the bowl. The proceeds went to support the indigent.
"I can also recommend his protégé, John Mc Cutcheon who sings all the Woody Guthrie era music. He always involves the audience and if you go---you sing!”
Bob told me about Utah Phillips and I visited his website. Great stuff.
Bob, is a philanthropic soul himself, having a huge part in the charitable Thanksgiving Day Dinner served free every year in Pleasanton. The feast is now a long term event and anybody is welcome to participate. Kudos!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Some people love the Academy Awards, but I happen to love potato salad. I’m always lured by a different recipe for potato salad while my friends prefer the likes of Reece Whitherspoon and the handsome hunk from “Austrailia.” I will admit I enjoyed the awards better than in past years. I’m not sure quite what was different because our “girls night” chit chat was fun and we didn‘t stay glued to the set. And, of course, there was the potato salad. Margot Osborne made it. Red potatoes, cooked in skins, then peeled. A bit of red onion, tiny florets of curly leaf parsley, thin slices of English cucumber, capers, vinegar and a smidge of mayonaise. Slap that on a plate with salty olives and some German mustard. I was in heaven. (Margot doesn’t measure.)
I have to see “Slumdog Millionaire“, “Australia,” and “Milk”. I’m so glad Sean Penn was finally recognized for his great acting ability. And the “Reader” and…well…I do love movies. But, the potato salad, now that’s art.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
That is, it used to be. Our government is turning over public water systems to private corporations. And why not? They can make a great profit…just think. Coca-Cola sold $346 million dollars in Dasani bottled water in one year. Nestle sold $200 million in Poland Spring that same year. So, now we have EXPENSIVE water, sold in plastic that leaches chemicals into our water. Its not cleaner nor safer. The plastic is trashing our environment. In the past three years the Federal Government has slashed funds for clean water in half. Multinational corporations are swooping in to buy up our public water systems. It takes 47 million gallons of oil to produce those plastic bottles.
HELP!! Pledge NOT to buy bottled water. Tap water is better for your health, your checkbook and the environment. Also, check out

Saturday, February 21, 2009
Karen determined that her female is probably pregnant at four months old… by brother Wiley. I guess that is what you call Sex in the Country.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Alameda County Sheriff's Archive Association and Escapees

Thursday, February 19, 2009
Our paths separated many times, but we always maintained that connection. For awhile, Faye volunteered for me at the Alameda County Sheriff's Archive Association. Now, we have the opportunity to just have fun. I treasure the times we get together. And Dave is the perfect match for Faye. Both of them are taking care of an aging parent, with love and dedication.
Thanks for being there and occasionally giggling with me until we wet our pants. (Dave was the designated driver and never complained.)
We take care of our health, we lay up money, we make our roof tight but the best property of all is our friends. Thanks!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
“This connection was a 3½ day trip, which took three engines to get it over the hill. It had a diesel engine, one coal fired engine and one steam engine, but the smoke in there from the coal was horrible. Plus everybody smoked cigarettes. The smoke was so heavy I had this artist I befriended make me a No Smoking sign. But, when I’d put up the sign they’d all vacate. Later I got friendly with a Chinese Fuller Brush man and he told me my no smoking sign was offensive because everyone thought I was contagious. What it actually said was, Stop Smoking. I Cannot Breathe. They thought I had a disease", Bob chuckles.
“On this trip, I befriended a conductor and I admired the pin on his hat and he gave it to me. That is a souvenir I really treasure, the insignia of the Chinese Rail System.
To be continued...
Monday, February 16, 2009
Hasta la Vista
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Son Doug called me this morning to warn me an 80 mile long by 40 mile wide weather system was headed our way. Oh, Joy! Didn't we just have enough snow to quality for exemplary weather? Jim insists that we saved all this weather just for him! Together we carried in a load of wood for the stove, then he fired up his vehicles to make sure the batteries stay healthy. It IS cold and windy.
Inside, he huddled into a sweatshirt and gloves and declared he would not go out again today. Can't say I blame him. This is unusual weather even for Murphys. The snow is supposed to stay at a higher elevations. Oaks keep their leaves and do not do well with a heavy wet snow. Then a good hard rain saturating the ground, and fifty mile an hour winds? Possible heavy tree damage. I have multiple wood piles about the place from past tree disasters. I maintain the weak trees are already gone. I have nothing left to lose. Then I pray its true.
Truth be said, we have no control over old man weather, so enjoy or curse. Its all the same.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009

It’s a bit like the “good old days” that everyone seems to long for. The loving attention devoted to old woods and re-useable materials; the personal exchange of a businessman with his customer and the satisfaction the kids derive from preserving something of beauty from the past.
Heritage Salvage’s website is with a link to Moscow Idaho Seed Company’s story of redistribution. Very interesting story. Enjoy!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Jeff, owner of Twisted Oak Winery, welcomed Jim to Murphys on Jim's blog. Michal let us know that Twisted Oak has be our next stop, and when the weather clears, it will be. Murphys is such a nice place to live. Thank you Michal and Jeff.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
“I was on the platform at a stop at Guan Zou on my way to Chon Quing and I hooked up with a Chinese gal who had left home. She got manhandled at the border crossing and she asked me, “Can I travel with you? I’m afraid.” So, she stuck close to me for several days until she got her confidence back. O
“In the Port city of Chon Quing I couldn’t get a ride hitching because there were few private cars. So I caught a local train to the end of the line which happened to be a restricted city closed to tourists. The officials there got a woman interpreter and she interrogated me. They thought I was some kind of spy. I told them I was just an old codger wanting to see the country. "Well, you can’t stay here" I was told. After the questioning, hell, I didn’t have anything on me but my backpack, they put me in a hotel, at no cost, but I couldn’t walk around. They told me I’d have to leave in the morning. I didn’t have to pay for meals either. They fed me and sent me back to Chon Quing.
“I took a Chinese cargo boat down river through the gorges to Wu Han. It was a triple-decker where you slept in hammocks on deck. What a fantastic view of the real China. At the end of the line, they didn’t have much in the way of accommodations for tourists and I stayed over in the Rail Road Hotel. They let me stay there, which isn’t the norm. I traveled on from there by rail to Beijing. The train that I took had open pit toilets which were just holes in the bottom of the train.
“In China, riding the rails going west, the train would run over something, including people. The engineer would just stop and they'd just drag whatever it was off the tracks and go on.
To be continued-
Monday, February 9, 2009
Sunday, February 8, 2009
These quotes prove that decades ago fire officials knew that detector failures were causing wrongful fire deaths but they hid the truth:
“John C. Gerard, Fire Chief of the Los Angeles Fire Department cited national statistics showing battery powered devices have a 50 to 80 percent failure rate.”
Source: Fire Chief Magazine, January 1980.
“Smoke detectors were an unknown term to 99 percent of the population 10 years ago. Today, millions of single family dwellings have them, yet there is no reduction in loss of life from fire. This paradox has not been explained. Source: Fire Chief Magazine, January, 1980.
“We put 50 million smoke detectors in buildings in America in a two year period and our fire loss and death rate goes up. We’re having a little trouble explaining these things.” Statement by Gordon Vickery, former head of the U.S. Fire Administration. Source: Fire Engineering Magazine, September 1980.
“Residential fire death rate increases nearly 20 percent over 1984 residential death rate with over 100 million smoke detectors installed in American homes”
Source: NFPA Fire Journal, November 1986, page 44
Saturday, February 7, 2009
But, you know, the drought is upon us and we need that water even if it comes down as bits of ice. I took a picture of the Parrots Ferry Bridge over New Mellones. The red dirt shows how low the reservoir is and how dismal the future for Calaveras County and California in general, if this dry trend continues.
Soooo, I've got wood for the fire, I'll mull some wine, light the candles, and cook up some South of the Border Stew. Ahh. Stave off the chill. But, I think I'll hide the thermometer just the same.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Gidday Mary
Crickey that was quick! What would we do without the Internet :-)
If you go onto 'The Evidence' page and scroll down to the 'Far Worse than the Pedophile Priests' document by Mr Patton (10 Jan, 2009), then click on the 'More>>>' button you will see that you have a friend who could soon become famous. Mr Patton is an inspiration to us here at the World Fire Safety Foundation in Australia. We would have given up on this battle had it not been for his amazing tenacity. If you have an opportunity you'll find the website is particularly damning now as we've started calling a spade a spade. If you haven't seen 'The Corporation' it is an amazing film to watch - please get all your friends and family to check it out too as it is a real eye opener. You can access it from our 'Home' page.
Take care Mary and thank you once again for your help in spreading the word.
Warmest regards
Adrian Butler
World Fire Safety Foundation
Gold Coast, Qld, AUSTRALIA
Phone: +61 409 782 166
Thanks Adrian for giving me another opportunity to get the word out.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Back packing around the world isn't for sissies as Bob Gambol can tell you. He had so many interesting experiences he is rich in memories, some of which I will share with you. He wanted to travel in Viet Nam to close that chapter of his life. Here he describes a memorable meal he had in 1995.
“In Viet Nam, prostitutes take cabs back and forth across the border but they have to have 4 people in a cab. So I got a ride with three gals right up to the border village at the Port of Entry. The U.S. Consulate is situated across the land border. I was told I had to leave and enter at the same place. So I stayed in the village and walked to a jungle compound and got a room in a cement block building with a cot. These guys were sitting under a tree and it was hot and humid and I had a beer with them. I asked, what’s for supper? They got a kid to come over. He ran into the jungle with a knife and came back with a big old snake. He went into the kitchen and skinned that thing, filleted it and we ate it with vegetables and rice. It was a great meal." Bob can be reached at
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
That song, “I Was Born In A Small Town,” has been running through my mind a lot lately. And, Murphys is a small town with a lot of character and much to recommend it. I remember upon first moving here in 1978 that everyone waved at you from their vehicles whether they knew you or not. It was a typical friendly gesture from the townsfolk even to a “flatlander” as we later learned we were called.
In those days we spied someone wearing a T-shirt with the message, “I’m not a tourist I live here in Murphys.” A nice distinction, and kind of fun. We bought them immediately. Those were the days when messages on T-shirts were popular-and they still are. But…now I see personal messages on cars and it kind of tickles me. In the 70’s if you painted your car you were a hippy. Now, anything goes. Everyone is trying to get their message out. I'm no different, I’m blogging! Its kinda crazy, and new, but I like it. Don’t think I’ll write on my car, though. Or maybe...?