Saturday, January 17, 2009


Women are from Venus and Men are from Mars, so, the story goes. Married women tell tales, (its universal,) about men being terrified of running out of toilet paper. My guy has no such peccadillo. A true snowbird, he, instead, is terrified the weather might turn cold and he could actually experience rain!!. He diligently reviews the weather channel and drools over a good weather report. (See his tongue hanging out?) He puts a T shirt on every morning, and resents it if he has to change to sweats. That, and, now that he is down to about 5,000 plastic bags, its possible he could run out of them. He is avoiding California where they may be passing a law to charge consumers a clean-up fee for each plastic bag they use. O’ woe. What can I say! I, the Greenie cheer, while he scowls.
I do love to have fun at Jim's expense, but on a more serious note, I wasn't quite sure I understood the nomads that are part of the RV culture. The book, Back Roads America, has a statement by the author that defines Jim, so I will repeat it here. "I had grown attached to my nomadic existence, wandering the highways free to go anywhere, passing in and out of people’s lives with the impermanence of a weather front. Each day brought novelty-the narcotic of the traveler, and I was hopelessly addicted."
Adios Amigos

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