Ah, friends, it is a marvelous feeling to look back on a year and find good things among the inevitable sorrows. I can say with certainty that good health is a giant totem along with meeting a new love; children who live and learn well that life is what you put into it brings me great joy. Grandchildren are the frosting to match the silver in my hair. Friends are gold without which life would be tarnished. I can truthfully say my cup runneth over.
In the New Year, may your right hand always be stretched out in friendship, but never in want. (Traditional.)
Stir the eggnog, lift the toddy, Happy New Year, everybody. ~ Phyllis McGinley
Here's a toast to the future, A toast to the past, And a toast to our friends, far and near. May the future be pleasant; The past a bright dream; May our friends remain faithful and dear. ~ Anonymous
Each age has deemed the new-born year The fittest time for festal cheer. ~ Sir Walter Scott
New Year's Eve
Play a thin tune
on a paper horn
Old is dying
New is born
Scatter confetti
over the floor
Sweep an old year
Out the door
Blow up a wish
in a bright balloon
Whisper dreams
To a midnight moon
Play a loud tune
on a paper horn
Old is dying
New is born
by Myra Cohn Livingson