Saturday, May 23, 2009


The old gold miner flumes that criss cross the Sierras are still in use by the power companies in most Sierra counties. On the Murphys Grade Rd. in Calaveras, this particular stretch of road reveals a sturdy flume half full running water on the left side of the road and the next stretch on the opposite side of the road moving up hill.
For years, students and adults alike have pondered, how does that water run up hill? One high school science teacher told his students, that it doesn't run up hill because it originates up the mountain from White Pines and travels to Angels Camp. This section of flume is halfway between Murphys and Angels Camp. The road from a short view and long view is going down hill while the water and flume are moving decidedly up hill?
If some engineer out there has the answer, does water run up hill in a flume? Within yards, not miles, yards of this section of flume brushing the road, the flume is visible high above on a rocky outcrop.
I've always wanted an answer to this question.

1 comment:

jillcoyote said...

We saw this flume looking like the water ran uphill. Got our of the car, climbed up the bank, stuck our hand in the water and concluded that it was running uphill. Would love to know what is driving the water in that direction, if indeed it is.