Friday, January 21, 2011


We celebrated my son, Ken's birthday last night with his favorite cake, home made German Chocolate, and his favorite dinner, home made burritos.
Family traditions differ, for sure, but it was fun to go back in time and fix his favorite dinner. That is, I made the burritos and his wife made the cake; with five candles and the big O.
Funny how a fancy dinner doesn't appeal, but the old, down home, staple foods are what we enjoy the most. Meaty burritos and refried beans.
Daughter Kristanne always chose for her birthday, chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes and cheesecake. Ken received a couple really funny cards,  this one from "the dog"
A half century. We talked about age and Ken made an interesting comment; "I've never known hunger." We are lucky as well as happy to celebrate. Happy Birthdays.

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