Then, every once in awhile, some incident reminds me of why I love to live in a place like Murphys.
When Richard Olson goes to the local bank, his dog Chico comes with him. Richard does his banking, but Chico steps up to the counter at El Dorado Savings and is handed a dog biscuit and then he patiently sits while his master finishes his paperwork.
You can see he and Chico riding around town in a bright red Jeep.
Yep! That's just one of the reasons I love living in Murphys. You'll also note the lack of long lines in the bank on a Friday.
If you discover you've forgotten your checkbook at the grocery store? They'll put a note in the cash register that you'll be back to pay later. If you've been sick, your doctor is likely to call you after a couple days and ask how you are doing.
In small towns you get personal service and most of the business people know you by name.
I'm still humming..."I was born in a small town.." Its a great place to be.
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