My friends arrived at Sacramento Airport and the years melted away. Who says you can't take up where you left off?
The Hardwood girls. Pat, me, Bernice and Marie. People from the upper peninsula are called Yoopers. Notice Bernice's hat.

Bernice works at a casino restaurant. The girls decided to wear pink hats so I would recognize them at the Airport. Bernice saw a woman with this pink Yooper hat and asked her where she got her hat? A co-worker told this woman that Bernices had located a friend they hadn't seen in sixty years and was looking for the perfect pink hat. So this woman, a perfect stranger, left her the hat for Bernice to take to California with a note, "Have a good trip! Dani."
The play, and movie, Escanaba In Da Moonlight explains about "Yoopers." More on that later.

Home to Murphys, quite different country than Michigan. Above is Richard, Pat, Bernice,me and Marie.
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