Everywhere at Thunderbird Monroe, is the sound of water. It trickles and gargles its way to the great Snohomish at our backs, forming shady glens, and gravelled pools. Comfortable respite-in hot weather.

Rhododendrons bloom everywhere in various shades of red and lavender. On the road, hybrid peach and yellow rhodies bloom in yards along the way. I have just one more day to enjoy them and the swimming pool before leaving for Southern California on Monday.

There was a whole line-up of them on the street.

Actually, our real goal in town was to meet Jim's lifelong friend, Al Penta and meet his girl friend, Kim. These guys, always cutting up, made Kim appear eight feet tall.

Al and Jim were both in the Navy during Viet Nam, and Al came home an avid pacifist. He met Kim about three years ago. Both are vegetarians and like me, anti-war, peaceniks.

Al and Jim, both bachelors for many years, get together and meet for lunch when Jim passes through Monroe. Al claimed, having lunch with a couple of women included, made their traditional, yearly lunch more fun. It was no surprise to me that women are more fun.
If you are interested in Peace Organizations, there are over 100 of them listed at this address. My favorite, Give Peace A Chance wasn't listed. Others, you can find: Refuse To Kill, Muslims Peace Fellowship, Westpoint Graduates For Peace, Grandmothers for Peace, Physicians For Social Responsibility...anyway, give it a look: http://www.swarthmore.edu/Library/peace/peacewebsite/scpcWebsite/Documents/ResourcesPeaceOrgs.htm
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