Sunday, April 12, 2009


Easter was almost as wonderful as Christmas when we were kids. Lent was over and the hoarded goodies could then be eaten, stale, along with decorated eggs and a chocolate treat. We'd get decked out in our best finery, always a hat, and head for church. It was a parade of sorts as the women wore their newest hat and gloves, maybe a new dress and shoes. Neighbors stopped outside to chat and preen just a little bit before heading home for a ham dinner.
Here in the mother lode weather has proved unpredictable. Last week the neighborhood horses basking in the lush grass and sunshine have now been covered with winter coats. The daffodils are beaten to the ground in recent rains, the squirrels have retreated to their warm nests.
Though it is Easter Sunday, hardly anyone wears a fancy hat anymore, but this delightful hat display is a reminder of Easter's past and prudently defies the weather.

Her feet beneath her petticoat
Like little mice, stole in and out,
As if they feared the light;
But oh, she dances such a way!
No sun upon an Easter-day
Is half so fine a sight.
(From Ballad Upon A wedding-1641)

Oh, enter spring and new beginnings.

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