Saturday, January 10, 2009


Each day finds us at Yuma Public Library to check email and post a blog. That is, all days except Sunday. Upon arrival I look with envy at this beautiful library and fervently wish it were located in Calaveras County. The inside is a marvel as well and yet, we have yet to spend a day lolling around the place, perusing and losing oneself in a book or two. But the temptation is strong and I'm determined to have one complete library day before I leave Yuma. Hmmmm. Strangely enough, on the road, the relaxed lifestyle, the hours fill up and I never get done what I would wish to each day.
Currently, I'm working on Bob Gambol's rambles in South America. At one point, he was returning to his hotel at dusk and he saw a guy walking towards him. It was a rough and tumble town so he crossed the street. The guy crossed as well, his intent clear. Bob waited until the guy was 50 feet from him, reached in his pocket and brought out his hand in the shape of a pistol and said as loud as he could, "BANG!" The guy took off running. Altercation averted. Rather amazing.
Jim and I talked about characters we've known. (Bob his one of his rambling friends who backpacked the world from 1991 to 1997.) As we talked I realized, I've known many characters in my life and I'm so grateful to have crossed paths with them. As a writer, I hope to get them all down on paper. (Some of them are my own family members.)

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