Yard sales are a regular business for some folks. They gather stuff DELIBERATELY and do this!! It takes fortitude. One nice thing, I met neighbors I haven’t visited in a long time. Several stopped in for a bit of chit-chat.
The other bright spot is watching my partner, Jimmy the Huckster. If it wasn’t for his salesmanship, half of what we did sell would still be in the yard. He has a great philosophy,” If you put it in the sale, you want it gone, unless you like hauling all this stuff back where you got it from.” Kind of puts a thing in perspective. I’ve had an old rear truck bumper someone left at my house in the garden like an ornament around the plants. Jim hauled that out, we cleaned it off, and several people were interested. It will sell today, I’m sure. If someone even looked interested, he would give a spiel and knock the price down. Help them load it and send them on their way.

Jimmy the parking lot attendant ran out and showed people venturing up my long driveway where and how to park so no one got jammed up in the yard.

Then, Jimmy the good Samaritan, helped one woman test her power steering fluid, and helped another with her gas additive. He looked up items on the internet previous to the sale for an idea of what various items were worth.

We had a steady stream of customers all day. Even so, people are not parting with their dollars easily. One guy let his dog run around for a while. He said, “Don’t worry, he won’t get lost. We feed him. I call him glue. Here, Glue! Here, Glue!”
We started this sale with Neighbor Jan across the road and one customer said to me: “You have one hour to bring that lady across the road a cocktail!” When I had a break I managed to bounce over with a bloody Mary, and a stick of celery in exchange for a hug and some laughter. One of her customers asked: “Where’s the bar!”
Today, it will end. Hospice will pick up what we didn’t sell. The wallet a bit fatter and the good feeling of ridding myself of un-needed items someone else can use. Ahh! All in a day’s yard sale! (But, never again!)
The other bright spot is watching my partner, Jimmy the Huckster. If it wasn’t for his salesmanship, half of what we did sell would still be in the yard. He has a great philosophy,” If you put it in the sale, you want it gone, unless you like hauling all this stuff back where you got it from.” Kind of puts a thing in perspective. I’ve had an old rear truck bumper someone left at my house in the garden like an ornament around the plants. Jim hauled that out, we cleaned it off, and several people were interested. It will sell today, I’m sure. If someone even looked interested, he would give a spiel and knock the price down. Help them load it and send them on their way.

Jimmy the parking lot attendant ran out and showed people venturing up my long driveway where and how to park so no one got jammed up in the yard.

Then, Jimmy the good Samaritan, helped one woman test her power steering fluid, and helped another with her gas additive. He looked up items on the internet previous to the sale for an idea of what various items were worth.

We had a steady stream of customers all day. Even so, people are not parting with their dollars easily. One guy let his dog run around for a while. He said, “Don’t worry, he won’t get lost. We feed him. I call him glue. Here, Glue! Here, Glue!”
We started this sale with Neighbor Jan across the road and one customer said to me: “You have one hour to bring that lady across the road a cocktail!” When I had a break I managed to bounce over with a bloody Mary, and a stick of celery in exchange for a hug and some laughter. One of her customers asked: “Where’s the bar!”
Today, it will end. Hospice will pick up what we didn’t sell. The wallet a bit fatter and the good feeling of ridding myself of un-needed items someone else can use. Ahh! All in a day’s yard sale! (But, never again!)
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