It is a lazy, wet Saturday and I didn't open up my front drapes until about 9:30. There, on my door mat was a beautiful bouquet of flowers. The card said, Too The Best Mom, with a rather unintelligible message. But the address was to a house I haven't lived in for 18 years. I thought, who calls me Mom but doesn't know where I live? Hmmm!

And, it is Halloween time and this bouquet is in a beautiful glass pumpkin. But, Halloween is a time for tricks and treats and maybe there is a bit of trickery going on here. I decide to call the company that delivered the flowers. She told me, "Our truck broke down on Pennsylvania Gulch Rd. in the middle of the road. A couple came walking by as the tow truck was hooking onto our truck and the driver, with bouquet in hand, asked the couple if they knew me? No, they didn't but they walk by the Hanging Tree Rd. address and they offered to deliver the flowers for him. Hmmm!
I call the folks who live at the Hanging Tree Rd. address and they said no one had delivered flowers to them. Aha! The Plot thickens. The people who claimed they didn't know me obviously knew where I lived. I've called the neighbors and no one will own up to delivering me this beautiful Halloween Pumpkin filled with flowers. I'll eventually find out who sent them and I'll enjoy them in the meantime. But, since I love a good mystery, double thanks to whoever you are.
And, since I haven't blogged in quite some time, I will play catch up. I had a surprise visit from my friend Maril:

We like the Firewood Restaurant in Murphys. Maril loves their fish tacos.

I'm a button collector, and Maril and I tooled around town and acted like tourists, which I love to do now and then. We came across this button festooned jacket collar, but I have too many clothes. I wouldn't buy it. I might try decorating a similar jacket.

Calaveras Community Television has purchased the property under the Paul Moeller Studio. (Paul is our founder and it was so named by the County to honor Paul.) Pam Quyle and I walked the property and found the boundaries that encompass a gold mine. We have a heritage tree above it also. Just look at those roots.

It's kind of fun to have a goldmine on your property. But, this one panned out long ago and has no gold. We've arranged to have it "fenced" off with wrought iron stakes, (rebar) every four inches apart so no living creature can ever get caught in it. Yet, it allows water to flow through to the creek below.
And, CCTV will be changing hands with a group, under our name, who will have many hands to do fund-raising and support the studio. The only constant is change.

I saw this kid, zooming through a clothing department and stopped to see what he was wearing?

He calls them "Wheelies". It reminds me of that movie, Back To The Future, as in what will they think of next? Truth to tell, I love it. innovation, surprises, life is good! Happy Halloween.
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