“We must undo the damage done by the hateful rhetoric from the teapublicans and bring back civility and respect for all Americans and American institutions. Opinions will differ (hate is not an opinion) but in the end we all must be Americans.”
Americans build together, have faith in each others goals, no matter what party. Americans believe that differences of opinion are healthy; working together with opposing views brings out our strengths. That was once upon a time… Things have changed dramatically.

(Image by Getty)
Here is how the Miami Herald assessed the hypocrisy of this election:
Bill Clinton cheats on his wife. Impeach him. Trump proudly brags about sexual assault (and has cheated on his wives). Elect him. Hillary oversaw the department of state while 4 people died in an embassy attack. Put her in jail. 2 Republicans were in office while over 200 people died in embassy attacks. No problem. Immigrants don’t pay taxes. Round them up and kick them out. Trump doesn’t pay taxes. He’s a business genius. Hillary’s foundation only spent 87% of their donations helping people. She’s a crook.
Trumps foundation paid off his debts, bought sculptures of him, and
made political donations to avoid investigations while using less than
5% of funds for charity (and he got shut down by NY State). So savvy... Put him in the white house.
Trump made 4 billion dollars in 40 years, when an index fund started at
the same time with the same “small loans” he received would be worth
$12 billion today… without a trail of bankruptcies, thousands of
lawsuits and burned small business owners. He’s a real business whiz. Hillary took a loss of $700k. She’s a criminal. Trump is the first candidate in the modern era not to release his tax returns, and took a billion dollar loss in 1 year. Genius. Hillary takes responsibility for private email servers and apologizes. Not credible. Trump denies saying things (on the record) he actually said (on the record), he’s just telling it like it is.
arguments are thin. Your ignorance of reality is shocking. Your
double-standards are offensive, and your willingness to blindly support
him and recycle the rhetoric is absurd. Your opinion is not fact. Your
memes are not news articles. And your hypocrisy is not a platform.
Alex Schiller
I thought it was worth repeating. Thank you Alex Schiller.
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