The Day Of The Dead is on its fourth year as a celebration in Murphys. Here is a staged family out for a ride...

I don't know quite how different it would be in Mexico, but this is America, so of course, the dog rides in the back with the kids.

One of the vacation rentals puts on displays, and this year's theme was references to Frieda Kahlo. Beautifully done.

Folklorico representing various states in Mexico with traditional dances and costuming held in Murphys Park.

Kids and adults dress up and paint their faces in sync with the celebration. This group was watching the dancers with rapt attention.

Like a statue, this little girl didn't move once during the whole set of dancers.

When this fellow came out with two, long blades, I knew we were in for something special.

Flashing blades at considerable speed, over head and under and between his legs made for quite a show. But then, a repeat with a blindfold on had me gasping.

No small feat. And with dire warnings from the MC, "don't try this at home."

Folkorico music always very fast and invigorating, the costuming beautiful. Very enjoyable. Jim attended a Day of the Dead in Mexico and said the music was deafening.

A tourist attraction, with staged displays made for a nice outing, but for some people, the celebration is very real, about the death of and remembrance of a loved one.
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