I spent a week in Oregon to get ready for winter. A storage building matches the house my son, Doug, built for me. It was full of leftover building materials, necessary tools and "stuff". It is small but useful except it was boiling hot at the end of the day and freezing in the morning. You couldn't work in it with any comfort. First, I had a trench dug from the house to the building for electricity and water. Over that a new driveway put in.

Paisley, helped her grandfather rake out the gravel. Grandfather Frank is driving the equipment in the background.

The rake is a bit heavy, but helping grandpa is important.

Frank emptied everything out of the shed and with a special machine, hoisted the sheet rock up to the ceiling with a helper.

Everything inside got put outside.

I brought home stuff no longer needed to donate to Habitat for Humanity. Then the rains came, a day earlier than predicted. We were able to quickly get things under plastic and protected. I didn't get a picture.

We put some stuff back in the building. It is still raining, and no more work has been done on the storage building. My next project is a car port for my van. Then, I'll be finished with my place in Oregon. I mapped out the spot to put the car port, but I'm told I have to be there. Another trip is set for the last week of October-early November. Then I'll snuggle in and work on my genealogy and quilts during the cold months of winter.
I know my storage building is pretty boring stuff, but from Oregon I hope to do some road traveling in my van if I ever get my projects in Murphys completed.
Van? What did you get? I thought I had read every word you have written . . .
Virtual hugs,
I bought a 1997 Dodge Caravan. Hoping to do some traveling alone in it. Maybe meet some friends at Yellowstone, but not soon. Gotta cover it for winter before I lose the paint. I'm going to India in February with my 14 year old grandson. Need to keep up my therapy so I'm strong enough to travel. The van doubles as a truck. Found your message in my spam. Glad I caught it.
Always nice to hear from you. Never did get a camera to catch wildlife in my yard. Gotta do that this year. I and a neighbor are the only two who supply plenty of water for the critters. chuckle
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