Virginia and Cedric offered to host Thanksgiving. "Come early so we can play games and snack before dinner at 3:00 p.m. By 10:30, liars dice was the game of choice.

Laurie and Jim just watched.

The games changed through out the day. Virginia popped into the kitchen to do the side dishes...

...while Cedric took care of the bird.

Doug was the latest to arrive and added cans of cookies of his own perfected recipes. The game changed to Elevator. Theo learned the bidding game for the first time. Then some of us later played Ruckus.

Between games we did some beer tasting, one of Ken's brews and this one, the first home brew for Stewart. He was mighty pleased.

Everyone takes a turn in the kitchen. Jim helped me peel potatoes.

Out of the oven, perfectly done and tasty.

Doug taught Owen how to part out and carve the turkey.

After skyping with our missing family members, Kristanne, Austin, Alec, and Mason; and Austin's dad, Richard, Jim took a family picture of those of us present. In a ceremony repeated in most American homes, we held hands and told each other what we most wanted to be Thankful for. Not surprising, the family-each other-was the repeated subject on everyone's list of appreciations.

Over indulging merits an after dinner walk, even though it was cold out. The neighborhood trees were bursting with tangerines...


Two blocks from the house is a Community park with a gigantic cement slide. Owen, with bare feet took a couple very fast trips down the slide.

Virginia went too. I, Laurie and Jim declined. On this fast moving ride. I remember hitting the ground so hard it gave me a headache. Playing on a slide was still and option when Owen and Theo were 7 and 5.

It is higher than it looks.

Theo shows good form with his frisbee toss, when we caught up with the rest of the bunch.

Good catch, Stew! Cedric plays tournament frisbee. They now have frisbee courts in many areas. A new court makes it popular in Murphys.

Invigorated, we returned to the house for coffee...

...and desert. Cedric made the pies and Virginia's specialty is the pear tart which is everyone's favorite.
Jim and I followed the Thanksgiving moon back to Murphys. More tomorrow.
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