We left Rogue River for Redding, California where we usually stop and spend a night in the Moose Club’s parking lot. I have many pictures of beautiful Mount Shasta because I’ve made this trip often to my place in Rogue. This time it was under cloud cover, but still beautiful. A very thin cover of snow, where normally, it is heavily snowed all year.

The drive through the Siskiyou pass is beautiful. We were spared much rain, but the clouds boiled and threatened.

We passed what should have been Lake Shasta and it was empty except for a trickle of the original river winding through the bottom of the canyon. I was stunned to see it. I tried but didn’t get the picture from the window. Several miles later, Banner Bay still retained some water. It is scary and we have to wonder what will summer be like next year if this is a long-term pattern as scientists are predicting?

Then we were in for another shock at the Moose Club. Their club is 102 years old. Their beautiful building, swimming pool and so on, is 65 years old. They, like other fraternal organizations, with dwindling memberships, were facing bankruptcy. They sold out and will be out of their building by Oct. 12th. What a bummer. We wouldn’t have been able to even speak to anyone if they hadn’t been in the process of cleaning out accumulated stuff and getting ready for a “garage” sale this weekend. Everyone was saddened by this turn of events and we spent a couple of hours commiserating with them and trying to find something to buy. I’m at a time in my life where getting rid of stuff is my goal and I need nothing, not to mention no room in the Motor Home. They hope to find a smaller place and keep their charter going.
And, to top off more bad news, Jackson Co. officials claim they never received the phone reservation for the inspection of my building foundation framing. I’m so appalled by the repeated series of mistakes they’ve made over this small building, I’ve contacted an attorney to see what, if anything, I can do about it.
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