Ruby Beach is a small beach we visited on the way to our camping spot at Ocean Shores. It is a very pretty beach with vicious rip tides and undertows. No one swims here. To the right of the cove are the ghosts of former headlands, like so many Washington beaches have.

A lot of beach “bones” in the middle. They amaze because many whole trees die on this beach. Signs warn to keep clear of trees rolling in the surf.

The waves can’t seem to figure out what direction to move. They overlap and surge across one another and reveal the type of turmoil that creates rip tides and undertow.

The headland to the left of the cove kind of gives you the full range. It was a misty, cold, 9:30 a.m. when we stopped.

It too has a string of ghosts almost in a half circle, suggesting what the land underneath the water looks like.

Only gulls and mullets seem to occupy this space. I had hoped to see signs of sea lions.

Again, you can see the criss-crossing tides.

On the right side of the cove, you can see water on both sides of this set of stacks because a river flows into the ocean at this point. People used to find ruby colored crystals in this brackish water which gave it the name of Ruby Beach. I was able to find a narrow spot and cross over for some close up of these interesting stacks.

They add to the beauty of the beach, but in the end, they are stone edifices with top growth on the larger ones.

Pretty and colorful. At Ocean Shores, we tucked in during the rain. Did laundry. Some computer work, trying to get insurance ironed out for Doug who has begun building on the new house in Oregon that replaces what was flooded out last year. We move again this morning to Twin Harbors State Park.
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