After leaving Westport, I received an anonymous email stating that information I posted about sea lions being new to the area is wrong. I was told this from a woman who lived in the area for sixty years. I should have checked. My anonymous writer is correct. Sorry about that. The picture above is of an un-named beach. We were looking for a spot my cousins David and Melissa recommended to us. This wasn’t it.

What first appeared to me to be shells turned out to be paper or plastic garbage. This small area was packed with bits of broken plastic toys, aluminum cans and yuk. We saw beautiful clean beaches in Washington so this came as a shock to me. I realized that the beaches we saw were all under protection of the reservations, park services, national forests, or camp grounds of some kind. A beach ungroomed and uncared for presents a different and sadder picture.

On our way to Seaside, we had a brief traffic stop at the City of Raymond. These sculptures are a roadside attraction designed to get you into town, tarry awhile and maybe spend a little.

Behind one of these sculptures is a huge sign letting travelers know in what direction to find- more sculptures downtown.

I like it when art becomes a message and cities are willing to fund artists.

We moved to Seaside, Oregon where is my favorite campground in the Thousand Trails system. I love the pool; the weather was great so I got in a good swim before Jim phoned the American Legion. “Come on over, we’re celebrating Oktoberfest.”

We ate bratwurst, sauerkraut and German potato salad. They ordered a special German beer for the occasion from Bouy, a local brewery.

Jim even danced me. The musicians were fun and got everyone to sing.

After a morning swim in my favorite pool, we went back to the Legion for breakfast. Most clubs are active on weekends and this one just had a lot going on. We left in the afternoon to be closer to the garage in Cornelius, Or. where we have a morning appointment to get the oil changed in both the Motor Home and Bronco. Cornelius is Hazelnut country.

We stayed at a very friendly Eagles Club. After the club closed at 7:00, another RVer parked in the lot invited us to join them for pizza and a bit of music. It was getting dark and without a flash, a lousy picture. But, you get the idea. Fun people and a lot of laughter.
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