Saturday, about noon, the tubes were ready, some a bit patched. We trucked up to the flume. Alec and Austin's other grandma, Eunice, with daughters Cathy and Bev, treats, drinks and towels in tow, are ready to go.

Eunice's son Uncle Rick, attemded the reunion for the first time with his girlfriend Tammy. He brought a box of freshly baked donuts, another first. Yum. And, he is a talented chef. I know because I've tasted his cooking several times. Sister Cathy is a great cook, too. (We KNOW who to invite for our family reunions. ) Rick is from Southern Cal, also.

It didn't take long for everyone to find a comfortable spot to relax, have a snack and a brew, or sun tan for a while.

The bridge makes a nice "deck".

If you get too hot, take a dunk. Kris and Laurie, the boobsie, I mean bikini twins cooled off for a while. Kris never tubes. She calls herself, "flume fluff." Eunice picked up that expression and says, "I'm flume fluff like Kristanne."

The first run came in. Everyone walks about a mile or two back and floats to the bridge. Last year, Abbie was still asking for help. Now she is an old pro.

Ted carried his snacks and a beer with him. The rules are, you carry out what you bring in.

Daniel brought a squirter to torment his fellow floaters. Hey! Wet is wet, right?

Cathy carried a stick to shove away from the sides when rounding the curves.

First timer, Tammy, took a lesson from Cathy.

Ken, Mr. cool head. When he was a kid, he would find every lizard in the water weeds and inspect them for parasites. He'd pull off the parasites and set them free.

After the first run, everyone swam or played before the next run.

We took time for some pictures, we two grandmas.

Mason, Stewart, Alec and Austin. Stewart is my oldest grandson, at 21. Alec is 21 also, but Stew is a couple of months older. They commented it was the first time they could come to the flume and drink a beer. Austin is the youngest at age 12. Theo is 12 as well, but a few months older than Austin. It is so fun to have them all together. I'm just sorry we didn't think to get Owen and Theo in the photo, as well.

The girls got together for a picture.

The water was about ten inches lower than usual, but no one seemed to mind. The flume has deep and shallow spots.

Diane and Randy, who are lifelong friends of Laurie's, came in on a second run. It's a nice float. But...

...the current can be pretty swift. On stopping, Randy was adamant that he not lose his expensive sandals, while Diane took a dump trying to get out. We, of course, laughed.

When we returned to the house, Uncle Tom, Clark and Theresa, and brother Bill and his daughter, Rena had arrived.

Brother Bill with Rena's boyfriend, Chris. Still plenty of snacking going on while Doug barbecued the tri-tip, chicken, ribs and shish-ke-babs.

After a huge meal, Rena chuckled as Chris took a nap. They were jet-lagged, after flying in from Florida.

After dinner, the guys got up a beer-pong game. In stead of paddles, the challenge is to toss the ball into a beer cup. I think there was some chugg-a-lugging going on, too.

Tom and Ken lost to Stewart and Alec.

The pong game watchers seemed to enjoy it as much as the players.

The weather got as hot as expected, over 90. Theresa and Clark took refuge in the mist.

The mister was a last-minute idea, and it was welcome heat relief. I think I'll get one for the deck, as well.

Normally, people stay for a second flume trip on Sunday. But, every year is different. Alec had to be taken to the airport early. Kris and Cathy and Austin wanted to ski in Ken's new boat. Bill, Rena and Chris took a scenic driver up over the pass and returned Sunday afternoon. Chris cut and chopped some vegetables and fruits. He roasted the veggies and we had a lovely lunch, along with some of the leftovers.

Bill brought vanilla ice cream with some home-made (by friends) maple syrup from Michigan. What a delightful combo. Rena and I had a chance to do some genealogy, but all too soon, it was time to part. We missed those that couldn't make it this year, but, the party is always a good time and a reminder to get together more often.
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