Sunday, June 15, 2014


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The first Friday of each month, the Business People/Community Club host a free concert in the park. A local caterer provides a meal to buy, or you can bring your own food and drink and just enjoy the burbling creek, a bit of sunshine, the company of your neighbors and friends and have a good time dancing or just listening to the music.  I love Murphys. Above is Glorious Gloria and Dennis Graves listening to someone who stopped by our table to visit.
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Jan brought a pesto cheese bread to snack on that was super delicious. She was about to take off her sweater and go swimming in the creek, I think.
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The kids love it at the creek and don't hesitate to jump in. How many towns have a creek flowing through the middle of it for all to enjoy?
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And Donna, with the cutest hat.
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The Reagans, I never see anymore except at events like this. It is my fault because I travel so much.
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I didn't dance this time, but, when I do get home, I'm soooo glad I live in Murphys.