We call ourselves girls, as in girl friends, girls night out. I guess when we are 90 we'll still be girls. Girlfriends are the best, we decided. Barbara Grogan, Madelaine Krska and Patti Johansen, are from north county. It was touch and go as a fire had the road between San Andreas and Angels Camp closed for a while. They got through and we gratefully hoisted our drinks, and nibbled on appetizers on the patio while the band set up.

We moved inside to listen to the music and chat. Madelaine talked to Bob Leemans during a break. Men Of Worth will be playing Camps for over a month of weekends, so if you want to catch them, go for it. Their singer is in his eighties and still has a powerful voice. He is a former musical arranger for a host of Hollywood greats, now retired and living in Sonora. We didn't dance, but others took to the floor.

Barb, Maddie and Patti are old friends of Laurie and Bob Leemans. Laurie decided to attend her husband's gig another night. Barbara and I did a fair amount of people watching. A table near us had a couple who couldn't see any one else but each other in the room. We chuckled a bit. Been there done that in another life. Before leaving Barbara got a hug from Bob.

Patti took advantage of Mark Twain's sculpture at Camps Restaurant and Bar entrance, and hugged him before we left. The sculptor captured Twain's rascally personality. It was nice to step out with friends and get someone to commiserate with me on my car.

We left just as the sun was setting. No matter how busy life gets, friends, music and time away, the perfect solution to off-set the day's tribulations.
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