Upon visiting a cousin in Marquette MI one year, I saw a similar scene near a skating rink where a little boy, with tears streaming down his face, got his tongue stuck to a metal pole and couldn't get it off. No one thought to carry water, or realized how thirsty children get, even if it is snowing out. An adult with a cup of coffee freed him. So, of course, I had to have this card for my collection of that lesson learned.

Little kids in snow country love to catch the first snowflakes with their tongues and suck on icicles. We never had the ice cream flavored icicles that these make-believe children have.

And, oh, how many snow angels we made right after a fresh fall of snow.

And every hillside our playground.


We not only built snowmen and women and children, but igloos and snowball forts and caves. When I look at these cards I remember all that fun stuff. But, I wouldn't want to go back to snow country.

Most people from my childhood cut and hauled in a live tree. We didn't go to a lot.

And dad gave pointers on the way it is done, until you were old enough to do it yourself. My oldest brother chopped his first tree, beautiful and just the right size when viewed in the woods. When he dragged it home, we couldn't get it through the door. But, we chopped it in half, the neighbor on our road used the top half and we used the bottom half. It all worked out.

Sweeping off the sidewalk to feed the birds.

The boy with the snowball reminds me of mittens so stuck with snow, we liked to chew it off so we could make another snowball. (Much to my mother's chagrin.)
I'm on my way today to finish errands, get a last treatment from the chiropractor and maybe write a few Christmas cards. Hope you are enjoying the season as I am, no matter how busy.
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