I like to have friends in for soup and french bread the first Friday in December, and then walk the streets of Murphys for their open house. Not everyone could come but, Becky, Janice, myself and Leslie clowned a bit as Jan Stewart took our picture. We had our soup and Jan took off to help open up an emergency cold shelter for people in need at the Congregational Church downtown. Predicted temperature, 17*.

We had a terrific parade with a couple of bands, the boy scouts and cub scouts.

Murphys Community Club put in a terrific little float; a miniature of the Murphys Park pulled by a motor scooter.

There were some terrific floats…I don’t know this family.

Some cars, this one old and Christmasy, others new and Christmasy.

This cute little float for Alchemy, had buckets full of candy to throw to other kids. It was fun.

Horses always come at the end of the parade, trailed by the pooper scoopers.

Then we walked the town from one end to the other. Didn’t actually make every place as I normally do. Many stores had music. Some inside.

This group appears to be crooners, but they whipped up some jumpin’ music. They played outside in the courtyard at Newsome-Harlow

As you can see, they were energetic and very entertaining.

A group of carolers moved around town from place to place. Leslie and I sang with them for a few numbers before moving on.

Line-dancing on the street was enjoyed as much by little kids, as the adult dancers and we watchers.

Nancy Burton spun around while dancing, cup in hand, and pop! I got her fabulous grin.

We went to my favorite store first, Leslie Liked this store too. Jan Schulz always roasts a batch of chestnuts. Looks like I was imbibing before taking this picture since I cut him in half. Retired now, he was Douglas’ wrestling coach.

And his wife Patty, center. Their daughter owns the shop. They carry great, fresh spices from all over the world.

David and Jo Ellen Gano were entertaining. David is an excellent artist. Jo Ellen plays the accordion as well as guitar and Piano. Both are teachers.

Tom and Lynn Eising. Tom taught at Michaelson School where Virginia went to Grammar School.

We stopped to see the emergency shelter where Jan worked the evening. Patty Gulyas, another neighbor had stopped in as well. Newly retired, we’ll see if we can’t get together more often. Her husband Ott, makes wonderful Hungarian cheese twists to die for.We used to have these great neighborhood parties.
Murphys is having an extended brownout. I’ve been working on this blog all day. It finally quit loading pictures. I’m snowed in, can’t do much but rest and read, now that I can get good light from the windows. I’ll finish tomorrow, hoping this blog will publish.
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