Daughter-in-law, Laurie hosted a cookie making party.

Laurie and my sister-in-law-to-be,Theresa, had dual mixers going and gobs and gobs of cookies were the result under their expert hands.

Stewart and Mason, home from college for the season, enjoyed the snacks and the game and the food and just being home.

Abbie and Anthony kept themselves entertained until there was room on the counter for rolling the sugar cookies.

Ken always likes me to taste the latest brew he has discovered. I rolled sugar cookie dough for the little ones.

Anthony and Abbie had never cut and decorated cookies before.

Norma got into the act along with the kids. She decided to make it a family tradition since the kids enjoyed it so much.

Laurie couldn’t resist decorating a cookie.

Doug, too, whose idea it was in the first place since he remembered doing the same as a kid, one of our family traditions every year.

Some of us recognized the best part of the party was not the cookies, but the lunch. Friend Tynna swooned. We had friend Norma’s enchiladas, and chocoflan, Doug’s turkey chili verde, I brought spinach souffle, that everyone loves. And, doncha know we all enjoyed cookie tasting.

And, then the bakers took a break, enjoying the great food everyone brought to share. Yum!
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