From Newport to Pacific City, another 60 miles of scenic beauty; misty headlands, rocky shores, ocean waves, pine and fir covered hillsides made a pleasant drive as we push north.

We passed Defoe Bay river marina a colorful spot, one of three small communities nestled into this almost deserted section of coast. Pacific City is a small community of about 900 people located on the Pacific where two rivers dump into the ocean. While some people consider it remote, others consider it their best kept secret. They come for the quiet, the whale watching and cool weather.

We found Pacific City Thousand Trails full of bunnies. They scoot when you try to catch a picture, but they are everywhere. We saw one giant black rabbit as big as a full sized dachshund. There are bear warning signs posted. The park is huge and roomy with access to the beach.

Steep and wooded, the beach trail is a pleasant hike. We smelled animal musk in a two spots along the trail leaving us to wonder if we might encounter a bear.

Our little cove had this rock point on our left-

…and this one on our right. A great climbing rock.

The bluff we hiked to the beach behind us had many small rocks at its base. This is agate country and we looked for agates but didn’t find any. Its expected to rain a good bit while we are here. We have a decent signal with our cell phone/internet amplifier. Without it we wouldn’t be able to blog or make a phone call. We enjoy the quiet retreat, but we like to have the ability to get on the computer and phone when needed. We’ll be here for three days at this very enjoyable park.
I am enjoying reading your blog very much. Thank you.
By the way a couple of great books to read while holed up during rainy periods are Ken Kesey's One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and Never Give an Inch. Kesey grew up in that area and his novels replicate the atmosphere of the Oregon Coast very well.
The movies based on the novels are filmed in the area and are very well done but hard to find, particlarly Sometimes a Great Notion.
I am enjoying reading your blog very much. Thank you.
By the way a couple of great books to read while holed up during rainy periods are Ken Kesey's One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and Never Give an Inch. Kesey grew up in that area and his novels replicate the atmosphere of the Oregon Coast very well.
The movies based on the novels are filmed in the area and are very well done but hard to find, particlarly Sometimes a Great Notion.
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