Waking up to a cold rainy morning is just motivation to stick close to the park and enjoy the olympic sized pool. Warmer than I normally like a pool to be, it was a comfort this morning. The pool is indoors and it's obvious that it was misty inside the building.

The hot tub is outside and perfect for doing my upper body yoga exercises and just lolling around. Hey! If I were home I’d be doing house or yard work. None of that here. We did spend the afternoon getting the washing done and playing on the computer-mostly with pictures.

A couple days back, after we visited the Yaquina Head Lighthouse, we stopped at Nye Beach in Newport which was at one time a major resort area. It has a performing arts center and a visual arts center. This sculpture welcomes you to the visual arts building that a gentleman in town directed me too by saying, “walk toward the beach until you find the most godawful buttercup monstrosity you’ll ever see and you are there.” He went on to inform me the color was chosen by a committee. I chuckled. Maybe gray would have fit in better with the landscape, but it didn’t offend me in the least since I love yellow. The current exhibit was composed of the local high school and grammar school artist’s work. Every year before school lets out, the center provides students with their own exhibit. It’s a nice gesture and one our own arts council does in Calaveras County as well.

The banner was made of paper and plastic quilt patches.

This budding graphic artist made a life size “picture” board. His friends can stand behind the image, stick their head through the hole and have their picture taken.

Red shoes seem to be a popular subject lately since I’ve seen a pair in several exhibits this past year.
I wandered around the Nye Beach area and spotted this watercolor of a kitten in a gallery.

And a sign on a storefront that I liked for its use of artistic lettering.

The first R is made from pennies, the second one is made from small shells. Clever.

And I chuckled over this sign while having a beer and lunch at the American Legion.
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