Monday, April 18, 2011


Finally, Jim is released from his "banishment". (His term, not mine.)
  This week past, I took the last of the pictures to Anchor Printing to be copied, along with uncountable pieces of paper. This last half of the project took them over two hours to copy for me.
While I was out, I enjoyed the beautiful green hills surrounding us.
Near Mellones.
Across the bridge near Sutter Creek.
The beautiful pink ceanothus commonly called wild lilac blooms prolifically along the roadsides
Jim pulled into the yard around 11:30. I didn't know he was there until he came to the door. I had to go out and see my artwork he worked so hard on. He put in a new picture to greet me. I think I have a choice of 8 or 9 prints that store at the back of the frame.
We walked to Brownsville, which is a spot on my road. I never pay much attention to it, as most people who do not notice those things in their own back yards until its pointed out to you by someone else.
And, then, this morning, Jim spent hours getting my new router to speak to my new wireless device so we could both use the computers at the same time without being plugged in.
He looks a bit shaggy, but none the worse for wear from his "banishment". He promises to ignore me so I can finish my work. Now I'm even more motivated to finish so I can have some fun. We've already been invited to a "Last Supper" Thursday, since its Easter Week. Jim said, shucks, I just shaved five weeks worth of beard, had I only known.

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