Sunday, April 24, 2011


I didn't know how much work it was going to be, but I finally completed four family heritage scrapbooks that I'd promised my kids eleven years ago. Finally, done. They are two inches thick and have about 150 pages each. Its part genealogy, family lore, many pictures, and the high points of their father's careers. It was worth doing and I enjoyed looking over the past, and making everything cohesive and readable. This project was why Jim was "banished" as he put it. Since he arrived, he's been very considerate, not interrupting my work and giving me space to proceed without distraction. (I thought it would take me three weeks instead of six.)
I'm not fond of champagne, but, I wanted to celebrate. I looked for a bottle of Celebration Ale-didn't have any. I mean, this is pretty low key stuff, anyway. Mostly just patted myself on the back that I had finished it before dementia set in.  And, I did find a bottle of barley wine, which suited me fine. Took a nice, long walk, and Jim downloaded a 1928 silent movie about Joan of Arc.
But, I'm blathering. Scrap booking has become an industry. Stores devoted to putting together memories and events are very popular and I think its because we need that connection to our family history to feel complete. It gives us insight into what made us who we are and how we arrived at our particular arrangement of  life.
Feat accomplished.

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