Saturday, July 10, 2010


My time in Murphys is short.  The computer is making funny motor-boat noises and blogging has to be quick until its fixed, or until I can get a signal on my old desktop machine. (Not happening.) Who would have thought that just three years ago I had never even seen a blog?
Pam Quyle and I talked about  having dinner in town. It was loaded with tourists; not a parking spot in sight. Besides, after my huge party, it was time to clean out the food in the frig. She helped me but she also brought marinated cheese balls, sushi and Skinny Dip beer to add to my over abundance. We ate muffalato sandwiches made with ground turkey, seasoned with cumin, onion granules and basil flakes. Add to that shrimp cocktails, California rolls, the cheese balls and beer with the appetizers.
I rolled into bed about 11 p.m. Couldn't sleep and read until 1 a.m.
This morning, Michal Houston and I had bloody Marys for openers, at Grounds, then eventually went inside to get away from some pesky insects.
This couple were all excited about having seen the concert at Kautz Vineyards last night. Part of that crowd who came up to see Sugarland and over ran the meager parking.
"The best", they said. Sugarland is a Country and Western Band with a very popular singing duo.
Murphys is a nice getaway from Sacramento, San Jose, Fremont, San Francisco, Stockton, Modesto and surrounds. I'm glad I don't have to make the drive. 
The refrigerator, unfortunately, doesn't look much emptier but I'm working on it.

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