Monday, March 2, 2009


Its always nice when the family shows up to celebrate birthdays, or just get together. Since I'm having serious surgery this afternoon, it was nice to have one last weekend of family fun, good food and wine. The little ones get to do things they can't do at home, like haul in wood and jump on the trampoline and mess up the house, and spend more time on computer than is allowed at home. The best part is they entertain grandma.
The adults get in a game or two, catch up on family news and enjoy each other's company in general. I would have to admit we specifically enjoyed Stevenot's Pinot Grigio 06 and Folie A Deux Menage a Trois, a delightful blend of zin, cab and merlot and Pizza at Mountain Mikes with Michelob Amber Bock. The next few weeks will be thin. My life partner claims I'll lose 20 pounds on his cooking, but I can always make up for it with lottsa beer and take out. (Besides, the neighbors promise to rescue me.)

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