I have some old books and the book seller came by yesterday. He left with about 10 books and gave me $10. More contemporary stuff. My old stuff, well, none of it is first edition, or signed or in great shape, or by famous authors. There are millions of books out there I’ve learned. With the internet you can get some I have for a penny each. I was feeling a bit disappointed yesterday after this nice, honest gentleman left, but my old stuff is precious to me and I can only give it away to someone who would really appreciate it. And, a buck here and a buck there does not express appreciation to me. This old poultry book has gold gilt on the cover and page edges. Inside are beautiful artist plates of beautiful chickens. The book is in very worn shape. Valueless.

This lovely book of poetry/philosophy fits into that same category. I went out on the internet and looked for things to do with old books, thinking I’d find some fun, preservational way to use them. I found ideas like tear out the pages and make a bird house, or make paper roses from the pages, sprayed to shine. Or cut out a portion of an illustration and make jewelry. Fun ideas, but they don’t preserve a book. I began to think that some of the covers I have would make great floor tiles or insulation glued to my storage shed walls. But, what about these old beauties?



Well, this morning I went to on-line booksellers and looked at books. ABE.books has videos on books with gilt, embroidered covers, and other beauties that people covet. I decided that those I love should be treasured and displayed. It gave me heart. And, I found another site with ideas on using old books. I long ago learned to make wallpaper out of magazines. I’m not ready to part with these or some of the more contemporary books I have that can serve another use. I guess the answer to my question is appreciate them.