My cousin, Gary, is visiting me for a few days. A widower, he is trying to come to terms with a splintered life, making this Christmas different from any other. I spent time last night demonstrating the wonders of the computer. I think I convinced him to buy one and get involved in the on-line community.
I had him laughing at some animated jokes and reality segments that found their way into my mailbox, one of a cowboy being given a drunk test, probably still out there on Youtube under the title Best_DUI-Stop Ever. And another of cops stopping people in their underwear. Both hilarious.
I then had him pick a subject and went to my search engine and found all he needed to know about surplus airplane parts. (His former business.)
We looked at nuggets of wisdom that come through the mail as well as marketing lies and blatant promotions to pick up $30,0000 from a poor immigrant that just needs your signature to get it from the bank.
I enjoyed the cruise through my picture files as well since we share a lot of childhood memories. It dawned on me how much I depend on the internet, for news, information, fact checking of rumors, jokes, beautiful pictures from the greatest photographers in the world. Such a deal in a box. It boggles my brain at how many people I know who don’t get on the internet highway.
My neighbor popped over with a plate of Christmas cookies and we enjoyed a treat before bed. Life will move swiftly away from you unless you make an effort to catch it by the tail and fly.

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