Wednesday, July 10, 2013


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People began arriving about 9:00 on Saturday. Setting up their ice chests against a shady wall of the house. Above is Bob and Norma.
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I bought a ping-pong table thinking the kids were getting older and maybe tired of the trampoline. Ken, Ted, Richard and Doug went to work on setting it up.
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They finally realized it was necessary to read the instructions. After that, things went smoothly.
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Everyone was catching up since last year. Grandmother Eunice, mother to Bev and Cathy. Eunice, Cathy, Wendy and Kristanne realized they were all dressed in tie dye.
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Bob and my son, Ken, have a few beers and visit.
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The kids get gifts from Grandma Eunice.
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Tyler ducked the squirt gun. A great way to stay cool.
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The kids like to check the totem to see how the stuff they put on last year held up.009 (Copy)
Cathy wanted her picture taken with my adventurous hat.
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Eunice did too.
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Brother Bill and cousin Terri discussing their favorite snacks. There was probably an equal amount of food inside the house as outside. Everyone kind of spread out.
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The good eats just never end. Virginia, Cami and her mother, Laurie, take a break from the heat outside.
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Anthony and Clint give up the squirt guns for several games of ping-pong.
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Must have been a serious conversation, Stewart, Virginia and Laurie. Earlier there was a card game going on outside and the guessing game, What’s Yours Like, going on inside.
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Brother Clark and Ken discuss the barbecue.
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The kids never seem to tire of the squirt gun wars.
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I caught the smallest and the tallest. Jacob who just graduated high school this year, is 6 foot 2. Abbie, the youngest,  is dwarfed by him.
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The trucks are loaded with tubes and everyone is anxious to go to the flume.  I tried to get a picture of everyone who came and failed miserably this year. And, I stayed away from the flume, so Kris took pictures for me.
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Everyone is getting into their river shoes and ready to go. Ken, Rob and Susie. Rob is foster daughter Susie’s fiance.
But, flume pictures and more tomorrow. I’m slow today because of so many interruptions.  We’ll see what tomorrow brings.

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