Thursday, July 11, 2013


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When you ask the kids, and some of the adults, too, what their favorite part of the party is, the answer is always “the flume”.  Once everyone is trucked up to the flume and settled on the bank, those who ride the tubes have to walk the mile, or half mile, or whatever distance they choose to ride down.
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Some like an individual tube, others like to share. Looks like Susie and Rob haven’t quite decided. It’s Rob’s first trip. (If he passes the flume test, we’ll let him marry her.)
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Then, they all return to the start and head up for another ride, or relax on the bank.
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Eunice doesn’t flume, but she has that relax part down.
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Ted guiding son Tyler with his feet.
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Cathy and Abby double-decker.
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Virginia with Maci. Some areas are so shallow you might want to get out and walk it.
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Got beer!
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Daniel and Theo hooked together.
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There’s usually time for everyone to have two or three trips down the flume.  Cathy and Austin.
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Where’s the beer?
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Owen likes to climb a tree and jump into the water at a deep spot.
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Laurie, Jacob and Mason. What you take with you has to be brought out. So, the beer bottles never get in the flume.
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It’s time to pack it all up and head for home.
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Doug leaves the flume early so he can get the chicken and tri-tip cooked. Clark gets the pits heated up in advance. One is charcoal, the other two propane. Doug is the master of the party. He does the prep, the shopping, the planning the cooking. Without him, it wouldn’t come together.
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Theresa waits for the signal that it’s time to get the cold dishes out and call everyone in to eat. Is it done yet?DSC07563 (Copy)Cedric is assisting Doug,  a far more laid back personality. Whenever Doug needs something, Cedric is the man.
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People spread out everywhere to eat, but Doug stays close to the pits for some shish-ke- bobs and sausage that cook last.
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I didn’t get the camera back out until it was desert time. Wendy made a blueberry,strawberry, banana, coconut tart to resemble a flag in keeping with the 4th of July.  Doug made gobs of low-fat, low-sugar cookies. But most people like it outside.
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Bix and Coco stayed under the tables hoping for a morsel to drop on the ground.
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Aaron, boyfriend of Susie’s daughter Katrina, serenaded everyone after dinner. He and Katrina, sister Meghan and her boyfriend, Joe, had car problems and arrived late. Unfortunately I didn’t get pictures of everyone this year.  Aaron is very professional and serenaded us all out by the fire pit during the s’mores and late into the night with the stars peeking through the trees. It was lovely end to the day before they crawled into their tents.

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