Son Ken spent Saturday night with me. He's homeless. Temporarily, anyway. Their house sold. He and Laurie followed the movers to the new house in Sparks, but he still has about two months left in his Santa Clara unit. He is bunking around with relatives and friends. He came, did his wash, and took me to Rob's for dinner.
For anyone visiting the Motherlode, Rob's has great food, attentive but not overbearing service. Nice atmosphere. Murphys has several good restaurants and this is one of them.
We walked around town and discovered that a comedy club is coming to town. Now that excites me and reminds me how glad I am to live here. I didn't take down the particulars, so more on that later. We peeked into store windows, just like any tourist. Ken visited a sister-in-law in Lodi earlier in the day and met a couple from San Francisco who were visiting in Lodi. He invited them to have a look at Murphys. They got on their phone, "Oh, only 44 miles from here. We'll do it next weekend." They were having a grand time. I guess we qualify as quaint.

This is a picture of Rob's. I deliberately showed the old rusted metal ceiling. I guess that qualifies as quaint. The building is an old Gold Rush structure. There are several still left in town. Come see, have fun. Ciao.
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