My son Ken, in the bright blue t-shirt, hosted a goodbye California party for family, friends and neighbors Saturday. It has been nice having he and Laurie in Calaveras County, but his job required him to move to Reno, Nevada.

What are the odds that when Ken bought the house on Vista Del Lago three years ago, he would find this man, Lynn Breitzman a neighbor on the same street. He, and his wife Sandy went to High School with Ken in Fremont. Lynn's sister, Dawn, was a close chum of my oldest daughter Kristanne, as well.

This couple, Jeff and Debbie Machado also live on Vista Del Lago. Debbie is Sandy Breitzman's sister, who attended high school in Fremont with Ken, Doug and Kristanne.

Debbie and Sandie with Laurie, kind of enjoying my bewildered looks at the connections.

But, wait, there's more. Jeff, it turns out, used to be a member of Laurie's brother's band. Mike didn't know Jeff lived in the neighborhood until they ran into each other at Laurie and Ken's.

Mike and his wife Ramona, live in Lodi where he, Laurie, and her sisters went to High School.

Ken's buddy Dave Pinkett, attended High School in Fremont with those mentioned but he remains a Fremont resident. Daughter Kristanne was Dave's date for his High School Senior Ball.

We had the biggest driveway in the neighborhood and kids with paper routes folded papers on our driveway. Doug, didn't smoke and he policed the driveway and forbade anyone to sneak a cig. None of the paper-boys were allowed to smoke at home, either.

George and I were the first of my family to move to Calaveras County in 1978. Followed by Clark who settled near Camanche in Burson.

Followed by Brother Bill, who lives about a mile from Ken and Laurie in Rancho Calaveras.

My grandson, Stewart, missed all the coincidental tales and laughter since he is involved with his girlfriend Aly. They met on the job where they both work as writing tutors for college students. He won't be making many trips to Calaveras County now that his parents will move. Boo, hoo, for me. I will really miss them all.

Laurie's sister Michelle...

...and her husband, Wayne, live about 4 miles down Highway 26 from Vista Del Lago.

Laurie, too, has lifelong high school friends. This is Diane and Randy Cantoulupis

Two sister's-in-law, Ramona and Theresa.

I don't know all of their neighbors and friends.

It was a fun day, as people spread out into the yard.

I talked to this woman about her impending move to Oregon. I know Laurie told me everyone's name, I may even have marked names down-somewhere.

I have an excuse. I'm still a bit disoriented. Out of my sling for hours each day since June 2nd.

The food from a local Mexican restaurant-a standout. Laurie and Ken may be saying goodbye to California, but moving means you end up with a new crop of friends and neighbors. And, by chance, you might meet people you knew in a former life. Could it happen again?
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