My house in Oregon has a certain beauty, to me, anyway. Kind of a winter wonderland post card, except, the area has suffered a flood. My neighbor, who sent me the photos, called it a mini-flood. It is easy to see how very narrow the 100 year flood plain is, which is partly why the permit process was so difficult.

It is easy to see how the property slopes down from the house and then rises again to the road. It is very much a marshy bog. The well house has been flooded in the past. In 2005, my gate posts and gate were overturned and flooded by the rushing water, but the 100 year flood plain, where my mobile home sat, was untouched. The salesperson who sold me the lot, did not disclose the flood factor to me at the time, or I probably wouldn't have bought the place.
My neighbor said the low bridge was flooded. My place sits on a corner of the major road and the inroad to people who live beyond me who were unable to get out. My driveway is flooded as well, and I would be home bound until the waters recede had I been there. I guess you can tell why I'm a snow bird. To watch a hilarious snow bird video, click on the link below.
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