On Sunday, Jim and I drove around and took more barn pictures, a bit closer to home this time. We drove up French Gulch Rd. The reservoir holding Angels Camp's water looked peaceful and pretty enough to photograph.

And a lovely old barn stood near it.

Back in Murphys, right where French Gulch and the Murphys Grade Rd. meet is old Judge Kramer's barn. His granddaughter Gail, married John Kautz and it now belongs to the Kauz family. A small house sits on the property and I got a kick out of the basketball hoop attached even though the ground is uneven and rocky.

One block north of Murphys Main St. on Church, are several notable old buildings. This 1920's era garage for one.

This old miner's shack was occupied by a Miwuk Indian by the name of Gus when I first moved to Murphys.

This old miner's shack is of the same era, only painted. The rock foundation is partially gone.

Covered with vines, it still has appeal, unused, but still full of character.

This barn actually forms the corner of Algiers and Church Streets. Whenever I turn that corner I marvel that no one has hit the old barn.

As you can see, it stands right on the road.

The new owners have kept the old privy as well. The property, with a huge yard and house is now a wine tasting place, with room for picnics in the yard. It is entered from Main St.

I like the old weathered wood. The paint has been wearing off for some time.

We then drove out to Kautz's Winery, about a mile from town. This barn with what looks like a grain feeder on the back sits to the left of the road.

And another old wreck on the down slope reveals it's purpose. And old water tank, or fuel tank for a tractor at work maybe? Hard to tell.

The vines exhibit a beautiful mix of colors at this time of year.

The vines cover the hillsides leading up to the nationally renowned Kautz Winery and Events Center. At one point Jim and I spotted a herd of deer that had somehow gotten inside of the deer fencing. We tried to photography them, but they ran as soon as we got out of the car. Photographing old barns seems worthwhile to me, but I haven't a clue what to do with them. I've watched a few of them topple in my years here, so I hope this preserves a bit of the past.
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