When I visited the Logging Museum, the annual Logging Jamboree was going on.

The driveway up to the museum was lined with big honkin’ pick-up trucks with guys tenderly cleaning and priming their chainsaws. But, lest you think this is all about manly competition, think again.

When I arrived the women’s sawing competition was in full swing.

From start…

…to finish with a guy and a stop-watch standing by. These gals can cut a mean log. Straight, too. I’ve used a small chain saw for small branches, but never could handle a huge saw like these women do.

The mens elimination rounds were held before I arrived.

The next task was the light-weight axe throwing contest. The competitor tosses the axe at the target. It must stick within a marked zone around the bulls eye, though this is not about accuracy. It is about speed and strength.

Then the competitor races to the target, removes the axe, races back to the starting point and throws again. He races to see how many hits he can make in one minute. The scores were all in the 30′s.

A gray-haired competitor beat some of the younger loggers.

Speed and agility matter.

The axe doesn’t look light-weight. Axe work is not much in demand for today’s logger, but the thrill of competition is. I’ve attended the Jamboree other years and a heavier axe is used for accuracy throwing which is done slowly and precisely. All of the events are fun to watch, so if you ever have a chance to view them, the event is held every Labor Day Weekend.

On the way back to Murphys, the Arnold Library was holding its annual book sale. Several thousand paperbacks and hard covers to choose from, all organized by genre. A great sale to pick-up a “find.”

The Cedar Center in Arnold hosts a crafts fair with about 70 booths. All manner of food, gifts, artwork and what-nots available for sale. The best thing is meeting people you haven’t seen for years.

If your feet get tired, you can take a load off and sit a spell and listen to the music or the comedian crack jokes. Or simply rest and eat your lunch. Hey! Its like one big party wherever you go, something to do and see.

This booth made me wish I had a cute little granddaughter. I had planned to attend a Mexican Rodeo in Burson on Sunday-there are events all over the county-but I opted to work on my ancient sprinkling system instead. Maybe next year.

The driveway up to the museum was lined with big honkin’ pick-up trucks with guys tenderly cleaning and priming their chainsaws. But, lest you think this is all about manly competition, think again.

When I arrived the women’s sawing competition was in full swing.

From start…

…to finish with a guy and a stop-watch standing by. These gals can cut a mean log. Straight, too. I’ve used a small chain saw for small branches, but never could handle a huge saw like these women do.

The mens elimination rounds were held before I arrived.

The next task was the light-weight axe throwing contest. The competitor tosses the axe at the target. It must stick within a marked zone around the bulls eye, though this is not about accuracy. It is about speed and strength.

Then the competitor races to the target, removes the axe, races back to the starting point and throws again. He races to see how many hits he can make in one minute. The scores were all in the 30′s.

A gray-haired competitor beat some of the younger loggers.

Speed and agility matter.

The axe doesn’t look light-weight. Axe work is not much in demand for today’s logger, but the thrill of competition is. I’ve attended the Jamboree other years and a heavier axe is used for accuracy throwing which is done slowly and precisely. All of the events are fun to watch, so if you ever have a chance to view them, the event is held every Labor Day Weekend.

On the way back to Murphys, the Arnold Library was holding its annual book sale. Several thousand paperbacks and hard covers to choose from, all organized by genre. A great sale to pick-up a “find.”

The Cedar Center in Arnold hosts a crafts fair with about 70 booths. All manner of food, gifts, artwork and what-nots available for sale. The best thing is meeting people you haven’t seen for years.

If your feet get tired, you can take a load off and sit a spell and listen to the music or the comedian crack jokes. Or simply rest and eat your lunch. Hey! Its like one big party wherever you go, something to do and see.

This booth made me wish I had a cute little granddaughter. I had planned to attend a Mexican Rodeo in Burson on Sunday-there are events all over the county-but I opted to work on my ancient sprinkling system instead. Maybe next year.
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