Navajo Lake State Park, NM, is remote, far from any big cities; a real respite for campers and travelers. Huge wild lands with a campground siding a soothing river and a second campground seven miles farther near the lake. No water hookups, a few electrical hookups. With our solar, we manage very well without electricity as long as the sun keeps shining. We like the luxury of electric when it is available.

I don't believe cottonwood trees are native to the area; they grow prolifically and get huge and beautiful. Perfect for a campground except their propensity to crack and break in rough weather.

They are blooming and shedding at this time of year. The fluff flies everywhere and makes great nesting material for birds. Pretty, too.

Like most rivers, it dips and spreads; makes little islands. Anglers cast in the shallows.

Near this friendly swimming hole, evidence of children having painted mud petroglphys on a rock made us smile.

The trail is an easy walk through the brush and trees with nothing but a few lizards, ants and cottontails for company.

I talked to this man from Santa Fe. He told me he and his wife each caught two pan-sized trout yesterday, but his wife wanted to sleep in this morning. We saw stream-side evidence of people using (fake) salmon eggs for bait. He claims he gets better luck with worms. And, he doesn't care whether he catches a fish or not. He just enjoys being out and enjoying the river. I like that philosophy.
I spent most of the day packing a my suitcase with my art work "stuff" that I never work with while on the road. All the best intentions set aside; there just isn't enough time where I have space to work. I had a bag full of books that I didn't want to discard. And, remember those souvenirs of New Mexico for the totem? Two old hub caps from Route 66? Jim laughed, but I got them in my suitcase.

A restful day. We took an evening stroll, too, and I got a picture of these two cottontails.

And we had a colorful sunset, the first in a long while.
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