Sunday, April 3, 2016


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Imagine my surprise when I found out my best friend Jim is related to Donald Trump. The resemblance is pretty startling. And he has gone gung ho, preaching the merits of a Trump presidency.
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Personally, I think Trump decided to run as a lark and now he can't insult enough people to get himself out of the election. He's sort of stuck. This trumper doesn't agree.
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Jim is quite an actor himself. He's convinced the Trump hairstyle will become the rage as his popularity grows, so he did a pretty good imitation of the hair, the scowl, the whole persona. I get all these emails asking to sign petitions against Trump. I refuse to sign because I think Trump and Sanders have shaken up our corrupt establishment and I'm just cheering on the sidelines.  I hope he wins the Republican nomination since Kaisch doesn't have a chance. Then the party of obstruction can hold their noses to vote Republican.
Meanwhile, I'll vote for a sensible, sincere, non billionaire, Sanders, who has the heart of the people and started this whole revolution. Go Sanders. I hate the vilification of Hillary that is going on. She is no worse than most of the beltway wheelers and dealers, but they vilified her when she was a First Lady and they continue to do so now. It is ugly. We need someone clean, like Sanders.

And, just for the record, Jim is not really related to Donald Trump, but he is a supporter.

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