Wednesday, February 3, 2016


I'm headed once more to the Northern California Spine Institute and will be off-blog for awhile. But, before I go, I've always known that good news is invigorating and puts one in a happier frame of mind. So, double good news I read, is that beer is good for me. It actually strengthens bones. The barley and hops are a good source of the mineral silicon. (Never heard of it.) The type of silicon in beer is orthosilicic acid, which is an easy way for bones to absorb it. Yay!  Drink more beer. Well, not too much. For a woman, anyway, maybe one a day if I could actually get that much down. Maybe I'll turn into a fatty.

I saw this funny bit of doggerel on-line and couldn't resist putting out for laughs.

The Dr. Seuss mimic is humorous, but I find his gold plated seat belts in his private plane pretty off-putting. Surely there are better uses for wealth than that.

In FDR's day, the president was limited to transportation that cost no more than $750. I wonder how a new president would deal with a limit on his transportation funds?

1 comment:

  1. Mom, I bet you'll like this...a Trump Grinch parody.
