Monday, December 28, 2015


Against all my better instincts, I drove up to Avery to pick up my friend Paul for lunch since we missed an earlier Christmas lunch date because of the snow. He told me it was clear. On the high sunny ridge where he lives, it was. But, getting there on the uphill curves with shaded areas and heavy ice and snow, made me nervous.  But all turned out well and I brought him back safely. He ordered ribs at Alchemy, and if you like them, everyone says they are delicious.
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Since it was Sunday, and I suffer from Downton Madness, I wore my Downton Abbey shirt.  Two people took notice enough to mention it.

I tell everyone,  "Don't Call Me" during Downton Abbey.  Is that madness?
Ordinarily, not much of a television watcher,  I've become addicted to the most popular program on PBS in their history, so I'm not alone. I bought a set of the disks for my sister and got her addicted.
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And she bought me the T-shirt with a picture of the three sisters on the back.
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And, I'm A Mary, on the front.

Virginia and Cedric don't own a television set, but I got Virginia addicted as well. My daughter Kristanne owns a television set, but no programming. They use Redbox if they want to watch a movie. She said, "No, I don't want to become addicted. I have enough to take care of with a blind dog, and my  own pack and an active kid."  Where did I go wrong?

The last season is #7 and will start in January. They've decided to end the series and not let it run on and on for years like a soap opera. I'll be glued to the set for the first time in my life where everything stops for a television program.  Oh, it is madness.

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