Saturday, August 23, 2014


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I've seen Japanese quilts before, but this show had some very creative ideas and stories to them. Like a series of little kimonos and shirts as wall hangings.
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Kimono portrait here is a beauty, with extraordinary quilting patterns. The fabric is Japanese themed in many of the quilts.
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A wall hanging of closed and opened fans. One, partially opened fan near the bottom.
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On close inspection I realized that part of the quilting pattern inside the fans is chop sticks.
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We Americans, who think we invented quilting, certainly a particular style, anyway, talk of our heritage of using every scrap of fabric, not wasting. Used fabrics, parts of clothing that were once a treasured dress or pair of pants carry memories. I loved the Japanese metaphor of cloth traveling through many hands carrying wishes and thoughts.
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And, here a quilt that expresses the tradition of Sange.
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The Quilt Museum is held in an old Victorian mansion. The third floor held quilts all made by one woman. This quilt is the equivalent of flour sacks quilts in early Americana.
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Utilitarian quilts, using homely fabrics. I've done that, made denim quilts, and suit fabrics. Often tied together. Utilitarian fabrics here are quilted in larger stitching but very full, straight fill stitching without any particular pattern.
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Not all Japanese quilt artists use Japanese materials.  This applique is a beauty.
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A gorgeous silk quilt with tiny beads. Not meant for a bed, obviously.
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An origami decoration, one of several.
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I thoroughly enjoyed this exhibit. I heard three Japanese women talking about this show and comparing it to another that made them cringe. They were very enthused with this one.
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An unusual thing about this show, the docent said we were allowed to handle the quilts by putting on white gloves. I declined because I don't think exhibit quilts should be handled by anyone except those who hang the show. My own quilt guild has that policy and I think it is a good one.
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The narrow halls of this old mansion make it difficult to photograph these quilts. So, if you can, go see it, and don't depend on my choices. There were many really beautiful pieces.

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