Tuesday, August 26, 2014


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My idea of a great fair, is to eat all the greasy, yummy foods you don't make at home and don't eat out. Wow! Grilled turkey drums filled the bill. We arrived early with the idea to walk around during the coolest part of the day outside and do the inside exhibits when it got hotter. We weren't hungry yet, so we passed them for later.
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A ride called Freak Out where your legs hang free with nothing under you, always freaked me out. I did ride one but it made me uncomfortable enough to never do it again.
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I just KNEW someone was going to fall out of that contraption. But, no one did.
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This ride was a bit milder.
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At least they have a bar across the seat. I had fun watching them. Not interested in riding anymore.
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Kids love the merry-go-round. Me too.
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This little girl doesn't look to sure of a roaring lion. Maybe mom selected for her.
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She might have been more comfortable on this kitty cat.
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As we walked along, a horse judging event was taking place and we stopped to watch. My youngest daughter had a horse in our local fair and I kind of knew what was taking place. The student shows the horse to its best advantage in a set walk, with set positioning. It shows both the student's and the horses training and obedience, smooth handling, etc.
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I picked this girl to win. It was a familiar move to watch her get her horse with his back legs spread and into a particular stance.
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We met her later in the barns. And she won that event.
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It helps to have a really great horse, too. And this one has many ribbons including a Grand Champ.
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Hmmm!  Look at all these sausages, and onions, and peppers. It smells really good at the fair. I usually end up eating sausage something. This fair had no beer booths that I could see.
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This guy was just sweating around those grills. He had heaps of fried potatoes and onions to go with those sausages. Oh, my. Not quite hungry enough yet. Good and greasy though.
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Danny Vernon? Not sure I have his name right. He was a cool Elvis Impersonator. I've heard a couple Elvis's but this guy was really good. The moves, the looks, the whole show.
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Then we came to the draft horses. They had clydesdales,  percherons, and possibly another type. They are enormous with enormous heads. Kind of intimidating.
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Didn't seem intimidating to this young woman nonchalantly reading a mag.
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You have to get up on a bench to dress and brush these giants.
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Didn't bother this young girl, braiding a giant tail.
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I don't know how this giant felt about having  a little tutu on her tail.
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This draft horse has a beautiful tail, unlike the percherons. It was being harnassed for a wagon pull at 1:00. We intended to go back and watch it, but by then we were what seemed half a mile way from that arena.
Dave Ball
We walked through the Home Arts building. Tons of needlework. People are often surprised to see that men design and sew quilts. This one is by Dave Ball, and has a masculine flavor.
Robert Newsom
Another by Robert Newsome, excellent points and beautiful quilting. I was impressed.
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An interesting crazy quilt done in cotton, with flower prints.
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One block from a farm themed quilt.
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A woman making bobbin lace. I was impressed that she could talk and keep shifting bobbins at the same time. It takes intense concentration.
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She showed me a framed piece she had done.
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You don't often see real hooked rugs, using wool pieces instead of yarn. I make braided rugs, and hooked rugs. The problem is, I've hooked some pieces, but never actually finished a hooked rug. I have two that are half done. I love the darn things. They are heritage quality pieces when finished. Someday...
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We are getting hungry and I love my fair food, but this giant corndog doesn't appeal to me. I'm posting the picture because this is my youngest daughter's favorite fair food. Betcha never saw one this big?
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The swine barn was interesting. I'd never seen one of these cradles that prevents the sow from rolling over on her babies and killing them. In the old days, people kept their sows in pens where the babies could nurse through holes in the fence where she didn't have any space to roll. This is much friendlier for both.
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And, the type of pigs we raised had curly tails. I didn't realize that some pigs have straight tails.
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I watched this pigs tail as she tried to uncurl it and it would just retract back into a curl when she relaxed. What is really telling about fair animal barns is the lack of any unpleasant odors. Super clean. DSC08656 (Copy)
I keep looking for the perfect junk food.
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One booth was making gyros. I took a picture of this lady's gyro and I peeked and watched them make it first. Can you even see that one thin slice of lamb?
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I finally settled for this chicken, taco salad. It was not very greasy but very tasty. I had a piece of chicken in just about every bite. I figured to save that turkey drum stick for later in the day.  But, we saw a lot more fair. More tomorrow.


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