Monday, August 18, 2014


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We spent an hour or so walking around Anacortes when we were there. The town is old, and pretty, in part because of the Anacortes Mural Project which I’ll blog about tomorrow.
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A lot of fun shops, crafts, artwork, antiques, found stuff;  just the kind of eclectic stuff to make you happy and stir your own creative juices. Since I’ve done metal art, the license plate artists intrigue me. Where do they get those old license plates anyway I wonder?
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Both pictures taken through the window, with a lot of annoying reflection. This guitar can actually be played.

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It is fun to walk the downtown streets and find a full-sized character standing in a doorway.
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As in real life, even the dog has his place. Don’t you just love it?
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And who knows? Maybe the Bill Mitchell Mural inspired the city to get artistic with their real hydrants.  Adding a public drinking fountain, and some color. Why not?
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The perfect mural for a saloon window.
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And this brewer is right next to his brewery.
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I’d like to take this crab home with me…
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…and the chicken too. Just to see what my chickens might think of a bird this size. I cannot buy because stuff doesn’t fit in the motor home, so I just peek at all the fun stuff.
windy ain't it? by sarah Denby

I was way overdue for an art fix. I stopped by AnchorArt Space, a gallery featuring the work of Sarah Denby and Andrea Joyce Heimer. The painting above is entitled “Windy, ain’t it? By Denby.
Laura falls in love with undeserving men. Joyce Heimer

I’m a words and story person.  Heimer’s painting above had a story that went partly like this:  Laura falls in love with undeserving men…  You will have to visit to read the rest of the story which is written in pencil directly on the wall.
Cocktail Hour Denby

Cocktail hour by Denby.
The Donnybrook of 1989 took place in the community garden project...

“The donnybrook of 1989 took place in the community garden project…”  so goes the story with this painting by Heimer. I really liked the stories with each painting.
Vacation, Sarah Denby

Vacation 1  by Denby.  There is a similarity to the two women’s work, to my eye. And, Denby can get very abstract. I liked her work with the least abstract best, but to all a different taste. Both women have websites if you are interested.
The Business since 1878
The Business, (since 1878) has a sculptured arch around the doorway. Just a walk around town is an art fix for me. Great place to visit.

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